
Congratulations on winning ...

Cliona Ni Mhurchu, one of the PI's on OL@-OR@, gave an oral presentation titled “A co-designed mHealth programme to reduce risk factors for heart disease, obesity and diabetes in Maori and Pasifika communities in NZ” in Prague at ISBNPA 2019 which was held from 4th to 7th June 2019.

This presentation had been shortlisted for the Socioeconomic Inequalities SIG ‘best oral’ prize and was subsequently awarded first prize.


International Society for Behavioural Nutrition & Physical Activity

8 June 2017

Cliona presented OL@-OR@ project as one example of novel uses of technology to deliver and measure nutrition interventions.

The annual meeting of the International Society for Behavioural Nutrition & Physical Activity was held in Canada in 2017 and Cliona was a keynote speaker and presented to  approximately 900 international conference delegates.  Cliona's presentation can be found here.


Dunedin School of Medicine

19 April 2017

Lisa presented a seminar at the Dunedin School of Medicine, this was open to health professionals, academics and clinical researchers, and students across the Division of Health Sciences.

The presentation was entitled 'Designing a mobile-phone delivered (mHealth) tool to support healthy lifestyles in Maori and Pasifika communities'.